Bible Mission Sunday order of Worship
(All the entrants of the church should remain silent
with their absolute concentration upon the Lord)
While the congregation stands up and starts singing the final verse of the hymn (ex: Subhakaraa), the preacher enters the
Preacher (P)
: In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Congregation (C) : Amen.
(P) :(Prayer of Doxology)
: O God You revealed Yourself as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so we offer our many praises for Your revelation.We exalt Your Honour for granting us this gracious time to worship You now.
Even as the angels and the heavenly saints are praising You; besides their praises You are desirous of our praises too. So we exalt You.
You are being revered and esteemed because of Your whole creation.
So along with the whole creation we bow down before You.
O Lord, we beseech You to bless this worship so that You alone shall be glorified all through.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
(P) : Dear beloved and dearly beloved in the Lord, when
we come into the presence of the Most Holy God, before
we could enter into the full order of worship, it is very
beneficial for us to confess our sinful state and get forgiveness.
If we confess our sins, He can be trusted upon
wholeheartedly and is righteous, so He forgives our sins
and purifies us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word has no place in us.
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
(P) : Let us confess our sins.
(The congregation should repeat after the preacher.)
(P) & (C) : O the Most Holy God! We are sinners by our very birth and by our very nature.
We are sinners because of our thoughts and looks.
We are sinners even in our hearing and talking.
Moreover, we are sinners because of our behaviour and deeds.
And we are unworthy to receive Your grace.
We beseech You to forgive us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
(P) : Beloved ones! The Father is forgiving all the sins of all the believers by His immense love. He does not like to punish. Moreover, He will not remember our sins. So let us praise such Father forever.
(P) : O Father! Since You are Holy, You are supposed to detest sinners. But You are not doing so; You are forgiving them with Your tender love and care. So we exalt You. Amen. (The congregation sits) (With the faith that the Father has forgiven our sins let us sing the song Deva samstuti Stanzas 6, 7, 8 )
(P) : Before we start reading the Scripture let us all stand up to honour the Word of God.
(P) : Bible Reading
- In remembrance of God, the Father (Old Testament Portion is taken from the Book of.....)
- In remembrance of the Son, the Father (Gospel portion is taken from the Gospel according to.....)
- In remembrance of the Holy Spirit, the Father (Epistle portion is taken from the Epistle to the.....)
Praising the Father for giving His Word
(P) : O the triune God, You have given us Your Word, the gift more valuable than earth and heavens and gold and silver. So, our grateful praises to You. You have incorporated in this Book all the words that You have to tell us personally. So, we submit our heartfelt adorations to You. Amen.
(P) : Let us acknowledge our Creed.
(All should openly profess the Creed)
(P) & (C):
- I believe that God has neither beginning nor end.
- I believe that He has been shining in His luminous radiance from eternity to eternity with all the blissful attributes such as Love, Justice, Holiness, Power, Omniscience, Life, Freedom, Omnipresence etc.
- I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was like a human in outward appearance but God in eternal state.
- I also believe that He explicitly manifested His love and the status real God through His divine preachings, miraculous good deeds and vicarious death upon the cross bearing my sins, diseases, punishments; and rising from the grave on the third day and ascending into Heaven.
- I also believe that He is now interceding for all the human beings and shall come back to rapture His Church in His Second Coming. Afterwards there will be seven years of terrible tribulation to those who were left behind. Later in the war at Armageddon between Anti-Christ and Christ; the Anti-Christ and False Prophet shall be thrown into the hell and Satan shall be imprisoned for one thousand years in the Abyss during which period the Lord shall reign over the whole earth for a thousand years.
- And I also believe that at the end of His reign the Lord shall judge both the living and the dead. As Christ, the Lord releases Satan from the Abyss, Satan will come to the earth and form two armies namely Gog and Magog and will fight against God only to get defeated, and Christ will throw him into hell.
- I believe that, later on, the Lord shall judge all the people and send the unbelievers into Hell.
- I believe that, eventually, as the saints on this earth are like one unified church, the earth shall become a part of Heaven and Christ, the Lord shall reside both in Heaven and on earth.
- I believe in the Holy Spirit and that He is conjointly working with the Father and the Son as one God.
- I also believe that the Holy Bible was written by His moving inspiration and that it can be understood only through His enlightenment and that He alone can hand-over to the believer the salvation intended by the Father, acquired by the Son through His precious blood.
- I also believe that the Holy Spirit is the God who is equally worthy to be worshipped along with the Father and the Son.
I believe in the fellowship of saints, resurrection and the eternal life. Amen. (As the congregation sits, and can sing a song)
Prayer for the sermon
(P) : O God! who granted the Word, now we are going to expound upon Your precious Word. Please give the required message that is necessary for everyone. We beseech You to give the helping guidance of Your Spirit to enlighten our understanding. In the name of Jesus we implore Thee. Amen.
The sermon
Prayer to be offered at the end of the sermon.(P) : O Lord, we beseech You to make Your Word bear fruit in us, for Your glory. Amen.
Offering song - Offerings
When the offering song is being sung the offerings are to be collected. (As the congregation remains standing the preacher prays for the offerings.)
Offering Prayer
(P) : O Father! Since You alone, are providing us everything, what else can we give You in return? We are giving You what You have given us, in form of offerings. Please make use of them in Your ministry. Amen.
Church announcements to be published during this time.Closing Prayer
- (P) :
- O the Omnipresent God, make Your Gospel spread all over the world.
- Deliver Your good news to the people of all religions.
- Empower Your Church in the faith that she is learning to stand before the world in an exemplary way.
- Deliver us from the unwanted religious debates, mission disputes, false teachings, sinful temptations, and protect us from all the losses that come from sin.
- Turn the hearts of men toward You during the times of famine, disease and acute ignorance.
- And shower Your blessings upon all the works that are becoming useful to man’s life in this world. Fill the believers with Your Holy Spirit and prepare them for Your Second Advent.
- Bless all people and the poor in every family.
- Bless the schools, hospitals, orphanages, Bible Society, Tract Society and all the professions, and the passengers of air, land, water and deserted areas, and the governmental efforts in Your protected care and prosper them accordingly.
- Shine and shower Your mercies upon the stars, birds, cattle, trees, crops and the whole creation.
- Let no blame come upon You that God did not bless this particular creature or that particular thing.
- Deliver the people from injustice, insults, robbery, murders, despairs, accidental deaths, earthquakes, wars, unwarranted dangers and the similar catastrophes.
- Bless all the people who work on the machines and manufacture useful tools and implements with iron and steel on the furnace.
- Bless all the craftsmen who work with wood, clay, copper, bronze and the like metals and minerals; and the makers of utensils and instruments.
- Bless the weavers and the businessmen. Protect the herds and herdsmen. Bless the masons who construct the houses, buildings, towers and churches; and also the publishers of good and useful books and newspapers.
- And give wisdom, clever thoughts, analytical ability and foresight for those who give useful advises to the people that were entangled in problems.
- Bless all the cattle and birds which have their daily living, yet struck by diseases and wounds.
- Bring to the memory of those who are on the job of prayer, all the prayer points and items in full measure and render much persevering prayers and supplications through them. Inspire their spirits to pray without fail for all types of people.
- Since many people were selected for different professions and skills, we beseech You, O Lord to appoint and separate some people on the very job of prayer.
- Safeguard the people who work in the factories, mines, tunnels; and under the water. Protect us from poisonous creatures, wild animals and wicked people.
- We are also submitting the prayer items forgotten, if there be any, to You alone.
- O Father! You who are looking to accomplish our things more immeasurable than all we ask and imagine, we beseech You to accept and fulfil our explicit and implicit prayers in Your appointed time; and thus we are supplicating our prayers and praises in the name of our soon coming Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
- Our Father, who are in heaven hallowed be your name,
- Your kingdom come.
- Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors.
- And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil;
- for Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
- Victory to the blood of Lord Jesus Christ
Ruin to the works of Devil - Victory to the blood of Lord Jesus Christ
Ruin to the works of Devil - Perfect Victory to the blood of Lord Jesus Christ
Ruin forever to the works of Devil
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Praise you, Praise you, Praise you Lord
Amen, Amen, Amen
(P) : May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be
gracious to you.
May the Lord radiate His countenance towards you
and give you peace.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love
of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
you all.
All can stand up and sing one stanza aloud 56. neekunu nee sanghamunaku nityamunu jayamu jayamu! raxakaana vandanaalu!